The photography industry relies on public exposure of its photoshoots. For this reason, for a photographer, having a website can represent a real turning point. In fact, a website can provide a real showcase able to contain (and show the world) their works: ideal for a photographer.
Let’s see why it is essential to have a website if you are a photographer and the pros and cons of owning one.
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The importance of a website in general
A website is a reserved space on the internet where everyone can share what they want. Whether it’s a forum, whether it’s a collection of poems, whether it’s an e-commerce, a website still represents the full expression of one’s ideas.
In most cases, a website is not created specifically for-profit purposes, but despite this, it can be a good opportunity to profit from it in a lawful way, simply by advertising your products and services.
For this reason, if you are a photographer, having a website could be a big turning point in your career.
Furthermore, every self-respecting professional has his own portal in the vast world of the internet. As if it were a business card. Not having one would be almost one less reason to give credibility to the work of a professional. Having a website, therefore, becomes almost a duty.
The advantages of having a website
But what are the advantages of a website for a photographer? Let’s find out together by analyzing the most important aspects exclusively for your profession.
Update your photo portfolio whenever you want
The website, as we have already said, represents a personal showcase. The moment a potential client sees an updated and quality showcase, they immediately get a good view of your work.
In fact, no one would go to request a photoshoot from a photographer who neglects his personal showcase or something interesting like video animation services uses obsolete material.
Gradually updating your photographic book, with cameras and lenses that have increasingly evolved over the years, will give you the appearance of a professional who ‘updates’ and who is able to improve more and more with experience.
Do not forget, in fact, that everyone will always try to get the best for himself, consequently, he will always look for the best photographer in case of need.
Furthermore, thanks to the website it is possible to give more specific information, such as the type of activity carried out, one’s specialties (for example weddings, events, etc.), the cities in which you work, and so on.
In this way the customer will not be ‘blown away’ and will find all the necessary information immediately.
Selling your photos and services
As already mentioned, the website can represent a real springboard in your business. In the case of a professional photographer, the latter will guarantee an ideal space in which to sell your photos, products or services on the internet.

Whether it’s a photo book, a single photo, a photography course, a website allows you to sell anything online.
Furthermore, unlike the physical store, it should not be forgotten that a website can reach many more customers, and above all, even much more distant.
If, on the other hand, your fear is computer piracy (in this case illegal downloading of content), you can add a watermark to every single photo, for greater security.
Furthermore, to discourage such phenomena, websites (a specific web space, created specifically for photographers and professionals in the sector) use photos of a good resolution for online viewing, but the very low resolution for printing, making the downloading such photos.
Finally, another very important function, in photography websites, the right mouse button is disabled, to prevent the download of the image, effectively guaranteeing maximum safety for the content creator.
Position yourself on search engines to promote your work online
The strength of the web is represented by the ability to reach anyone with just one click. In this way, taking advantage of the positioning in search engines, you could be easily identified even by a potential customer who is looking for a generic photographer and not you specifically.
Taking an example, in fact, looking online for a photographer, anyone can identify you through your website even if they don’t know you at all.
Perhaps, once you have identified your photography website in search engines, and once you have entered and viewed all of your works, the potential client can contact you to carry out certain jobs, even though they have never seen you in the presence and despite having had very little chance of meeting you physically.
In practice, owning a website guarantees you greater visibility in the world (yes, in the world, as anyone can contact you to work, even overseas), despite being little known. This will inevitably lead to more gains in the short, but especially in the long run.
Improve your brand with your own domain and a long-term project
The brand is nothing more than a reference to differentiate your work from the competition, ensuring that the customer can be loyal and come looking for you every time the opportunity arises.
In fact, if the customer was happy once, they will trust you for further future work, going to search for your brand again.
Not only that: if a customer has been happy with you, he will suggest your brand and your site to friends and relatives who will ask for photo shoots, putting a good word and actually increasing your income (indirect advertising).
It is to all intents and purposes a long-term investment, which can repay you for the efforts made by creating a regular clientele, who will contact you whenever necessary, and who will in fact suggest your name in case someone asks.
And if you are able to offer a higher quality service, such as an event booking form, with the ability to download photos online and discreet assistance in case of problems, the customer will feel more at ease thanks to the possibility to do everything necessary to book / obtain services from the comfort of home.
Sell more and get more customers
The opening of a photography studio has only one goal: to make a profit by offering its services to customers.
Very often, however, a physical studio does not guarantee a sufficient number of customers, and it may be necessary to resort to online services to ensure that we can sell more. Especially if you are new to the industry.
A website, in fact, will guarantee you more chances of getting visibility and consequently a greater number of customers, increasing revenues and creating a solid network of contacts for future jobs.
No shop window can do better than the internet shop window
To give another example, you can share your works through an infinite number of sites, whether they are specific for photography, whether they are simple social networks.
In social networks, in fact, it is very easy to find new contacts, thanks to the intelligent search function made available by the latter.
In fact, when you go in search of certain content (for example photographers), search engines or websites will direct users even without paid advertising.
Social networks, then, are a place where everyone can show all their potential and their work to other people, without fear that these can be stolen or plagiarized, thanks to the numerous security systems provided by websites. All for free.
Are there other spaces where you can advertise your works for free? Personally I don’t think so.
Furthermore, the contents appreciated by users can be easily shared and re-shared on social networks, exponentially increasing your visibility towards new potential customers.
In fact, a capable photographer is able to obtain high quality photos to show to general users. If the latter then re-shares your works on its social pages, it will offer a fully-fledged advertising space completely free of charge, effectively increasing your market.
Although a website may seem like a secondary element to be associated with your photography business, the latter can be a clever marketing gimmick to leap ahead of the competition in a simple and fast way.
A good website is a fantastic showcase where you can share all your work and where you can show off your skills to the public.
In this way, if the work is worthy of attention, you will get numerous requests for goods and services from the public, effectively increasing the number of customers available.
For this reason, a photographer should never neglect the possibility of creating a website and on the contrary, should invest a part of his resources so that it is productive in his own interest.
Not having a website, not only would it show you deficient in relation to the competition, showing you as less professional, but it would also cut off relationships with numerous potential customers ready to get in touch with your brand and consequently with your business. .
Therefore, if there are still doubts about it, just know that in the face of a very simple job for the creation of a website (which alternatively can also be made on commission by professionals), the gains in the medium-long term could be decidedly high, making the realization of this showcase the best investment for the future .
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